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Horn Attacke 2024

Topic: youtubeTags: Bolzano, Bozen, Trail, UpHill, Ritten, Renon

Horn Attacke 2024 (6:15 min)

The Horn Attacke is back (after 5 long years ) !
In February 2020 everything was ready to go, but the due to the difficult Covid Situation the organizers where forced to cancel the race just one week before the start. Runners start the Race at the Mountain Spirit Shop in Bolzano, run/walk to Soprabolzano and from there to Pemmern / Tre Vie. Here they switch over to skitouring and reach the Rittner Horn.

Die Horn Attacke is zurück (nach 5 langen Jahren) !
Im Februar 2020 war alles bereit doch leider war der Veranstalter, aufgrund der Covid Situation, gezwungen das Rennen eine Woche vor dem Start abzusagen. Das Rennen startet in Bozen vor dem Mountain Spirit Geschäft und führt über Oberbozen nach Pemmern. Dort wechseln die Athleten auf die Tourenski und erreichen dann das Rittner Horn.

La Horn Attacke é tornata (dopo 5 lunghi anni) !
Nel Febbraio 2020 tutto era pronto, ma causa della situazione covid, gli´organizzatori erano costretti ad annullare la gara una settimana prima della partenza.
La gara parte di fronte al negozio Mountain Spirit, passando per Soprabolzano e porta fino a Tre Vie. Li gli atleti passano agli sci e salgono sul corno del Renon.
Posted by Andr, Tuesday 05 March 2024 - 15:48 (read  1138 times)
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